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Hello Teachers from the Vancouver School Board, 

Thank you so much for attending one of my sessions on bringing food topics into the classroom.  I loved meeting you all, from high schools including Windermere, Tupper, Lord Byng, John Oliver, Churchill, Point Grey.... and more. Thank you for your ideas and enthusiastic participation.

I get very excited about teaching food systems, because food is 'real' for everyone, and because shifts in agriculture and diets offer at least partial solutions for many of our climate, environmental, and social justice problems. 

There's so much to discuss! Best, I think, would be to give you a link to my Powerpoint presentation. You can get it here, or from the link below under Downloads.

Being with you all in these sessions has inspired me to write more blog posts on the potential 'food units', 'food projects', or even quick classroom 'food exercises' that we worked with. Expect more brief posts from me on these by next week. 

Several of you said that you'll soon be assigning your students to 'self-directed inquiry' or other types of projects that could encompass food issues. I'll be writing to those of you who requested this with specific ideas. To any of you, please contact me if I can help you get started, or find resources and materials.

Best to you all,

Eleanor Boyle; text/mobile: 604.230.2561


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